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Tilmanstone Colliery gallery

A collection of images related to the history and people of the colliery from its earliest beginnings to the closure and eventual demoliton. Click on the sub headings to filter the images

All images on this website are subject to copyright and some are personal photos lent by the owners. Please do not re-use any images without prior permission from the Elvington and Eythorne Heritage Group

Have a look at these articles for more on this subject. Or click here for the full archive
Photograph of Miner Reg Pull underground wearing miner's helmet and holding a cup
Sadly no longer with us Reg was a Tilmanstone miner,
Peter Sheppard retired after a 43 year career at Tilmanstone Colliery. Peter followed his father into the mine aged 15
This unique document was produced when working was finishing in No1 seam and transferring to No6. The original was restored at Canterbury Cathedral and is now at the KMM

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